
  • Chavez Roed posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    You shouldn’t go by your clothing number

    Your first thought may be to determine how many hangers you need by the number of garments you need to hang and store. The situation might get tricky here, however. Where do you put the remaining fifty hangers and the hundred clothes if you have a closet with space to hang fifty of them? It must therefore be calculated the other way around. To determine how many hangers you need, you must first calculate the space in your closet.

    Check Fitted Wardrobe Manufacturers in your closet

    Is there enough space in your closet for hangers? There is no instruction to find the volume of the closet inside this question. You could simply put it the length of the hanging rod you have inside, or you can measure the amount of space you have to hang the hangers. You need to ask yourself what size or length hanging rod you have inside your closet. It is generally accepted that hangers are spaced apart from clothes by some general rules. If you know this, it would be really easy for you to determine the number of hangers to buy so that you actually use the entire hanging space to its full potential.

    Womens closet and general overview

    When you hang clothes in hangers, so that they are kept neat, without the clothes rubbing together or pressing on each other, you should leave a one finger gap between each cloth or hanger. If you maintain this gap between each hanger, then every foot of hanging space can accommodate 16 hangers. You can add one or two extra hangers per foot after 16 if you want to accommodate more clothes. When the clothes are more voluptuous, such as jackets or blazers, there may only be 12 to 13 hangers per foot of space available. Having measured your closet’s hanging space, you now know how many hangers you need. Despite this, These statistics are ideal for a women’s closet.

    Mens closet

    A little variation would be expected in the numbers for the men’s closet. Hang as many hangers per foot as you need if you are hanging only t-shirts that do not take up much space. The hanging space per foot can be increased to 15 hangers if you intend to hang bulky jackets and suits. In order to wrap shirts and casual dresses, you would need 15 to 16 hangers per foot.

    What are the advantages of wooden hangers?

    Compared to plastic and wire hangers, wooden hangers are more durable and rust-free.

    How costly are wooden hangers?

    With wooden hangers being an investment that lasts a lifetime, you would like the idea of never having to replace another damaged hanger, thus making it the most economical option over time.

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