
Preparing for Initiation

Welcome Center
Expand your connection with each of the Orisa inside this sacred sanctuary. You can visit for a day; come for a healing ceremony; become aligned through an empowerment ceremony, Initiate into your crowning Orisa, Initiate as an Ifa Priest; study Ifa; attend a workshop; and create your own Retreat with Iyanifa Vassa, Olufadeke 1-386-214-6489 iyav.ifafoundation@gmail.com ifafoundation.org/ open year round; unique experience for all who see to understand more about themselves and their destiny path. Walk the labyrinth of the 256 Odu; lay in the arms of Omilade; go inside the Guardian Ancestor womb space; fire rituals with the Mother’s. Entering through the gates transforms your life…an amazing experience for a person who is just getting started as well as an experienced devotee. Everyone is welcome! Ashe.
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